About Us

Welcome to The Circadian Magazine, your go-to platform for insightful perspectives, creative expression, and engaging content on campus. Our mission is simple: to inspire, inform, and entertain. We believe in the power of storytelling to connect people, foster empathy, and spark meaningful conversations. Through our magazine, we aim to provide a platform for students to express themselves, showcase their talents, and make a positive impact on the world around them. From thought-provoking essays to captivating photography, from in-depth interviews to whimsical illustrations, our magazine covers a wide range of topics and perspectives. Whether you're interested in politics or poetry, science or satire, there's something for everyone at BLCircadian.

We are a diverse team of writers, artists, photographers, designers, and thinkers from all walks of life. United by our love for creativity and curiosity, we strive to push boundaries, challenge norms, and celebrate the rich tapestry of human experience.

Want to join the conversation? We're always on the lookout for new contributors to join our team. Whether you're an aspiring writer, artist, photographer, or designer, we'd love to hear from you. Check out our submissions page to learn more about how you can get involved.


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