Happening At BL 2

BL Surgical Society
We’ve kicked off a busy year full of careers evenings and skills workshops; covering Ophthalmic, Max-fax, Breast and Plastic surgery so far, with lots more to come. We have also hosted our first ever Surgical iBSc Fayre with talks from all major London courses, and some cheeky cheese and wine! We’re so excited to celebrate girl power with our Women in Surgery event next month, followed by our biggest conference yet!
BL Yoga
Here at BL Yoga we’ve been enjoying our calming weekly sessions with our amazing teacher Yasmine. We are currently preparing for our annual Yoga retreat on the peaceful shores of Devon! More details and information on how to sign up are available on the BL Yoga Facebook page.
LGBT+ Soc had a fantastic time together as we all gathered just before the end of term for our Christmas Potluck. Some of our members also ran the Red Run on World Aids Day to raise money for HIV services across London-and raised over £250 for Positive East! Since coming back, we’ve kicked off the year with a bang at our karaoke night. We had a great time belting out some classic tunes and catching up. Happy NY!
BL Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)
We are an educational society that spans across all 5 years at BL. You can look forward to the following events and activities we have planned over the next term (details on FB): 1 to 1 tutoring for year 1 and 2 students, small group sessions for year 3 and 4, pre ICA crash courses for years 3 and 4, national revisions for finals, OSCE teaching for year 3 and 4, and mock exams for year 1 and 2 students.
ROCK Projects
ROCK Projects has kicked of this academic year with a bang! All thanks to our amazing volunteers, who have taken their time out to contribute to our East London community. From helping our very own Barts/QM students, school children & the homeless community, we have taught Self-Defence, BLS & fed/clothed the needy! Get involved in our monthly Street Kitchen and numerous other events this term! IG: @rockprojects
BL Drama
In December, the Zebraphiles put on their annual Barts show. It was a hilarious evening, and even drew audience from some other London medical schools. This term we put on our pantomime ‘Dancing Queen of the Rings’, an inspired combination of Lord of the Rings and the songs of ABBA. Directed by Grace Catchpole, Ross Johnston and Angela Fitzpatrick, the first night was an absolute sell out - thank you to all who came!!
BL Indian Society
BL Indian Society have been busier than ever this term with sell out events. Our Diwali celebrations saw over 200 people come for a night of entertainment, food and more! We also have regular social for all our members. Expect these to continue in the next term and look out for our event of the year which is also happening this term!
BL Tennis
We will be hosting a SOCIAL TOURNAMENT on Sunday 9th February 11am-4pm at Lee Valley. We are asking members of BL Tennis to find a doubles partner who is a part of a different club/ society! We are welcoming players of all standards to join this fun, snack and drinks-filled day – so find your partners and sign up! Trophies will be given to the winners! Have a look at our facebook event for more details!
BL Christian Union
“Who Am I?” - try genuinely asking yourself this question.The answer is going to be beautifully personal to you. We had a week of events exploring identity, considering Am I More than - My Sexuality, What Others Think of Me and My Achievements, seeing that finding our identity primarily in these things is problematic. Perhaps we were created for something else, something which truly fills that void within.
BL Friends of MSF
We’re all about raising awareness and funds for the world's leading emergency medical aid organisation! We collaborated with QM Arab soc to host a speakers event on aid in the Middle East and also joined them to host a fun cultural night filled with music, games and quizzes! Keep an eye out for the exciting things we have to come!!
BL Music
Last term was a busy term for BL Music! Our Fresher’s Concert, Christmas Carols and Bart’s Guild Christmas Concert were all a huge success. If you missed out on our wonderful performances, check out our YouTube channel (https://bit.ly/36OfoWy). We are currently preparing for our Barts Arts concert which will take place on 31st March in the Old Library!!
BL Argudent
BL Argudent, a newly formed dental debate society, has hit the ground running this year, hosting a number of events. Our first event was an introduction to debating, preparing our members for events to come. The highlight of the term was a Staff vs Student debate in Laird Hall with a great turnout and excellent debating from both sides. We are currently planning our next event, a Dentists vs Medics debate.
Barts Community Smiles
This month we have been focused on Sugar Awareness Week. We have partnered up with King’s Smilesoc to promote this and for a week we encouraged students at Mile end campus to take part by giving up “free sugars” and swapping them for healthier, sugar-free alternatives! Also, Action On Sugar invited us to the House of Commons to discuss what we could do on a national level to help tackle the problem of Sugar in the UK.
Griffin Community Trust
December highlights include a Christmas party where Shaftesbury residents had festive pie and mash, crafts, games and carols. In January we organised Chinese New Year celebrations at Toynbee Hall and an afternoon for everyone at a local pub, where 50 of us had a great lunch and took part in a closely fought quiz. Applications to live in Griffin House are now open - check out our website for more information!