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Around BL: Sports and Societies: Spring 2024

Association Dinner

This years Association dinner was held in the prestigious BMA house while the Barts Great Hall is under renovations. With turn out from staff and student groups it was a fantastic night filled with awards, great food and plenty of Barts and The London love to be had. Congratulations to all those who were Nominated and those who Won in their respective categories

Merger Cup

The Queen Mary versus Barts and The London anual Varsity occured in March, and with a loss last year the stakes could not have been higher for our Barts students as they all piled on the bus that warm Spring morning.

Sports people and supporters laughed, sang and cheered in support of their school and it was not until midnight at the New Griff we got our result...

A fantastic result as the cup has come home once again to Barts! The sporting talent and fantastic sportsmanship on display was one for the history books and not something people will forget soon!

Women In Healthcare Society

Women in Healthcare Society put on a fantastic conference in March in collaboration with Kings Collage London Women in Medicine Society.

The focus of the event was empowering women in leadership and with over 100 attendees it was a highly successful event with lots of high profile speakers and attendees traveling far and wide to attend

Drama Society

The summer musical this year, Grease! With plenty of new faces to Laird hall stage as well as some old ones, it was an ambitious show to put on, and fabulously executed!

With support also from BL Dance and BL Music, musical every year always showcases our fantastic performing arts societies and the multi talented students

Doctors day

Although not a society it is worth congratulating all of our final year doctors who have passed their final exams and celebrated at Doctors Day on the 4th of April. As well as thanking all the staff and friends and family with came along to support the Graduands.

Want to be featured in this section? We’ll be sending out a form to student groups before the next issue comes out so keep an eye out!