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Being 8 in a Pandemic

When COVID outbreaks had just started, it was near the time of my birthday.

I was very lucky because my birthday in March was just before we went into lockdown. At first, I thought COVID wouldn’t be as bad as it is now but when my trip to Norway for my birthday got cancelled, I knew something bad was coming our way. Things I did to keep myself busy during this period were to draw, read lots of Harry Potter and learn more about history and maths. After about a month I went back to school.


At this time, I had returned to school for almost two months because my parents were key workers. Things were gradually getting back to normal, other than that not everyone was in school. In my weekly mag [the Phoenix] there was a comic contest and to keep myself busy, and I entered the contest for fun. Before we went into the summer holiday my sister’s old teacher was teaching me. Then when the summer holidays finally arrived, my sister, mum and I went to our Grandma and Grandpa’s house for three weeks. We also went to see our cousins and then stayed at home for another three weeks. I enjoyed playing with my cousins because it gave me hope that we could get through this virus and we should all have courage. Things I enjoyed doing was to ride my bike, going to the playground and visiting my favourite beach, Boggle Hole.

Autumn and Winter /September- Now

As summer came to a slow halt and autumn took its place, school became closer and closer to what it used to be. As all my friends came back to school, I started year 4. I could now see my friends but if they weren’t in my bubble, then I would have to stand two metres apart from them. All my friends in my class were so kind to me because they were just so friendly. Some days I could suggest games to them and they would usually play them with me. As kids were really jolly and people were putting up their Christmas trees and decorations, school was preparing for the Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, someone in my class got a positive test and my class had to self-isolate, and I also missed the class party for the second time running. [I didn’t know whether it was a good or bad thing]. Now not all my friends are back at school and some are struggling but I hope soon that they can come back. Now we have the vaccine hopefully we have a bright future ahead of us.

What I've enjoyed

  • Reading, Drawing, Seeing my sister enjoy brownies

  • My grandmas and grandpa have been vaccinated

What I've missed

  • Going to clubs, my family, playing sports, playing with all of my friends and family and my aunties